What are your Jane Austen origins?
For me, it was a 10 year old friend from school.
After the first invitation to watch Northanger Abbey at her home, it became part of our friendship to watch Jane Austen together.
And then it was my mother, who often turned on Pride and Prejudice while she worked. She bought the films that I came to love, and by the time I was 16 I had read all the major works of Austen, even the gothic novel Catherine Morland was reading in Northanger Abbey. (That is, I read The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe.) I didn’t know it at the time, but I was in training to be a heroine!
But how did Jane Austen come into your life?
Was it through your mother? Or perhaps a teacher or friend? Or you were on an airplane and a stranger loaned you Pride and Prejudice?
Do tell!
Share your origin story in the comments below.